Harry Hartenstine

Featured Projects


Intelligent Data Deduplication

A project developed to run on MOC in OpenShift that simulates large scale deduplication of backup data, supervised by Dell EMC. Compared performance of several deduplication algorithms including a reinforcement learning (Q-learning) implementation.

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Identifying Similar Legislation

Exploration of NLP models applied to congressional legislation. The project required deciding how to break up and tokenize large documents of structured, but not consistently annotated text. I produced an RDF graph representation of each document along with vector representations of document paragraphs to perform similarity searches. I plan to revist this project in light of the recent developments with GPT LLMs.

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Covey.Town Chat Feature

Implemented a chat feature for an open source virtual meeting platform. Documented detailed user stories and implemented frontend and backend changes with full test coverage according to sequence and state diagrams.

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Siamese Capsule Network

I ran experiments to compare a Siamese Encoder/Decoder network implemented by Vikram and Alex to baseline implementations. We documented our work in this paper.

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Job Search App

An app for tracking job applications from inital search through application and interviews. Documented UML design for a database and implemented it with Java Persistence API, connected to a React frontend. Wrote a testing script for various user roles and actions.

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